Austin Texas E3 Camp

June 8-11, 2025

Schreiner College

Kerrville, TX

Grades 7-12 (Fall of 2025)

Cost: $400


If you are unable to come to our Texas E3 Sports Camp use the link below to search for other camp opportunities!

Sports Camps are for athletes and coaches who want to develop their athletic skills. Outstanding instruction, skill development and intense competition prepare the camper for future athlete competition. Sports Camps include Sport-Specific camps in which the camper selects one sport for the entire camp experience, and Multi-Sport camps in which the camper is trained in a specific sport and competes in a variety of sports as a Huddle.

"In the same way, I tell you there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes his heart and life, than over ninety-nine good people who don't need to change."
Luke 15:7


When Christ resets my perspective, I'm free in Him. (Isaiah 43:7)



I'm created for God's glory, not chasing my own. (John 1:14) 



God's glory is revealed to me through Jesus, and I can have a relationship with Him.

(2 Corinthians 3:18)


When my hope is in God's lasting glory, I will seek His Kingdom first. (Matthew 6:33)


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